Swifter 8000 Seedbed cultivator

"Swifter 8000" is a modern seedbed cultivator. It helps to create perfectly uniform seedbed in one pass, even at high working speeds.


1. Hydraulic track eradicators. Massive spring-protected track eradicators are used to loosen the compacted soil layers arising from the tractor wheels.

2. Crashbar - front hydraulic leveller. Evens out rough unevenness in front of the working bodies. The hydraulic control allows instant adjustment to the ground contours directly from the tractor cab.

3. Front slatted roller 370 mm.

4. Four rows of sprung tines. Provides ideal loosening and warming up of the soil without loss of moisture. Working at a negative angle avoids carrying out wet soil particles to the surface.

5. Dual- row Croskill  compacting roller for stony soils 350 mm. The self-cleaning dual- row croskill roller is manufactured from high quality cast iron and steel alloy. Weight: 194 kg / m. Diameter: 350 mm.

6. Finish roller with a diameter of 270 mm. Thanks to the high rotation speed, intensive mixing is carried out and the so-called "soil tiller" effect is achieved. In combination with croskill rollers, clods are crushed to the maximum and the soil is compacted.

Technical characteristics:



Hitch type, tractor type


Working width, m


Hydraulic depth control

Working speed km/h

10 - 12

Travelling speed, km/h



Output  in 1 hour of main time, ha


Output in 1 hour of shift time, ha


Number of maintenance staff , people


 Dimensional specifications in working position, mm :

- Length

 - Width

- Height

Dimensional specifications in transport position, mm:

- Length


- Height


7 380

8 600

1 800


7 380

2 960

3 940

 Weight, kg

6 500

 Number of tines

59; 74

 Standard size of transport wheels

15,0/55-17; 500/50-17

 Tire pressure, mPa


 Agrotechnical indicators:

 Working depth, cm


 Soil crumbling quality, % : clump dimensions, mm:

Up to 50

- Above 100 mm



Not allowed

 Trimming weeds and crop residues, %


Surface ridging (the height of the ridges after machine pass)


Completeness of trash burial, %


Tilled soil layer density (during seedbed preparation), g/cm3

1,0 - 1,3

 Clogging and sticking of work tools

At no time



4 rows of SB tines. The design of the unit allows to perform replacement of inner working sections (4 rows of Gamma tines and 4 rows of SB tines.  So you can easily adapt the unit to changing conditions throughout the year.Optional:

SB tines guarantee undercutting the soil profile along the entire machine width without vertical mixing preventing moisture evaporation.